
  • Read out an entire hard drive, bit by bit, including the free space
  • Create a precise image of a hard drive – precise enough to be used in court
  • Locate meta data from files and programs that were deleted long ago
  • Recreate files, even after multiple formats
  • Create an overview of all software, browsers and network communications
  • Detect and troubleshoot the impact of malware, spam or viruses
  • Crack local passwords, WLAN passwords or network passwords (among others, with password databases or the brute force method)
  • Find information from the registry, your email traffic and browser history
  • Locate Skype information
  • Analyse and monitor your entire wireless network traffic
  • Professional security check for routers
  • Ideal for examining hard drives with the following operating systems: Windows® 10, Windows® 8, Windows® 7, Windows Vista® and Windows® XP